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Regular Meeting of April 28, 2010 at 7:30 pm
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Present: Peters, Salling, Pieragostini, Bryan, Curran and Hammar
Staff Present: Ann Astarita, Conservation Official and Tammy Hazen, Clerk


IW #10-04  Housatonic Railroad Company, 30 Hawleyville Road.  Activities related to the operations associated with a rail yard transfer station.



IW Mod #03-54   72 Hanover Road, R. Mastroni Developers, LLC. Application related to the modification of an existing permit.

The applicant has withdrawn a portion of his request for the modification but wishes to request an extension on his existing permit #03-54.  Commissioner Salling moved to recommend that the portion of the application requesting a renewal of the existing permit (for five years) be approved.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Curran.  Motion approved unanimously.

IW Mod #05-19   224 South Main Street, Robert Mastroni.  Application related to the modification of an existing permit application.

Mr. Mastroni were present to discuss the application.  Commissioner Peters noted concerns over the application and noted that the Trinkaus Engineering’s report shows that the design changes do not adequately protect the wetlands and watercourses.  The commission noted that they were ready to make a decision.  Commissioner Curran motioned to deny this application based on:

  • The expert report which states:  “[T]he treatment system proposed on the…plans will not remove sufficient amounts of pollutants from the post development runoff.”  
  • The expert report which states that there is a “high probability of long-term negative impacts to water resources on and adjacent to the site due to the discharge of pollutants from this parking area”.  
Motion seconded by Commissioner Salling.  Commissioner Bryan abstained.  Motion approved.

IW #10-03   Warner Pond Dam (Old Mill Road) Town of Newtown.  Rehabilitation of an existing deficient dam as ordered by the DEP.

Commissioner Salling recused herself from this application.  Ron Bolmer, Town Engineer, 4 Turkey Hill Road in Newtown, was present to answer any questions.  After a brief discussion, Commissioner Hammar motioned to approve the application with standard conditions: A, B, C, D, E, F, and

  • The approved plans are “Town of Newtown, Department of Public Works, Warner Pond Dam Rehabilitation” dated November 2009 by Weston & Sampson and stamped received on April 8, 2010.
Motion seconded by Commissioner Curran.  Motion approved unanimously.

IW #10-05  2 Shepard Hill Road, Fahey.  Application to construct a garage and recreation room in the regulated wetland area.

Raymond Martin and Thomas Fahey were present to discuss plans for an 18 x 26 framed structure to be used as a recreation/utility room.  Commissioner Peters noted there was a great deal of fill in the area of where the proposed building will be and that the entire project is within the wetland review area.  There is also debris in the wetlands that need to be removed.

The commission explained the importance of an adequate buffer for the wetlands.  The applicant was asked to flag the corners of the proposed building and to have a certified soil scientist (or a landscaper that is familiar with wetlands) flag the wetlands.  They were also asked to return with E & S Controls and planting plans that can include a rain garden for the water run-off.  They were asked not to begin work until the permit is approved.  

IW #10-06  15 Sherman Street, Pandolfi.  Application to remove trees, create pasture, improve drainage in the regulated wetland area.  

Commissioner Salling recused herself from this application.  Sal and Samantha Pandolfi were present to discuss their application.  Mr. Pandolfi explained that they cut down approximately 50 trees (4” to 25” in diameter) and that they want to remove/replace old fencing, re-grade the property, and cut up the already downed trees for firewood.  

Ms. Astarita stated for the record that Mr. Pandolfi had discussed with her the work he wanted to do, but she told him they would have to apply for a wetlands permit first.  It was also noted that wood chips were placed in the wetlands and that water run-off was being piped onto neighbors property.  

The commissioners requested the applicant to stop all work until a permit was issued.  The Commissioners asked that the property be staked showing proposed activities and that a more detailed plan be drawn up and submitted with a number code that coincides with the stakes.  It was suggested that they look for expert help (Engineer) to help with the drainage issues and to obtain written permission from the neighbors on the water discharge.


Commissioner Peters distributed copies of a booklet “Agriculture, Forestry, and Wetlands Protection in Connecticut” from the CT DEP.

Acceptance of New Applications
IW #10-07  25  Shepard Hill Road, Cieniawa, Bernard.
IW #10-08  6A  Russett Road, Frate, Robert & Valerie
IW #10-09  11  Edmond Road, Advanced Fusion Systems     ~

Approval of Minutes:  Commissioner Salling motioned to approve the minutes of April 14, 2010 as written.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Curran.  Motion carried unanimously

Adjournment:  Commissioner Salling motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 pm.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Hammar.  Motion carried unanimously.